The Website is subject to this Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy (“Policy”). Any related goods and services (collectively, the “Services”), and the description that the operator of this website (hence, “Operator”, “we”, “us” or “our”) violate copyright. How does it respond to infringement complaints? And how you (“you” or “your”) can file a copyright infringement complaint.

We make the protection of intellectual property rights a top priority, and we expect our customers and their authorized agents to do the same. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (“DMCA”), it is our policy to promptly respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement.

What should you consider before filing a copyright objection?

Before filing a copyright dispute with us, please consider whether a use can be considered fair use. Fair use means that, under certain circumstances, a brief selection of verbatim quotations from protected material may be made for a unique purpose. For example, analysis, news disclosure, guidance, research, etc. do not require permission or payment from the copyright holder. If you have considered fair use and want to proceed with a copyright protest, you can contact the previously referred customer to check if you can resolve the matter directly with the customer. can.

If it’s not too disturbing, please note that you do not believe the content you describe is offensive. Then, at that point, you may want to contact an attorney before recording a warning with us.

We may share or distribute a copy of your notice or counter-warning with record holders involved in the alleged infringement with an abundance of caution or as otherwise required by law. Suppose you are concerned that your information will be passed on to outside parties. You may then want to hire an expert to report infringing content for you.

Violation warning:

It is assumed that you are the copyright owner or the owner thereof and you accept that any material accessible from our administration will infringe your copyright. You may then submit a written warning (“Notification”) of copyright infringement under the DMCA using the contact details below.

Filing a DMCA protest is the start of an already qualified legal cycle. Your protest will be investigated for validity, legality, and scope. Assuming your complaint meets these conditions, our response may include removing or restricting access to the allegedly infringing material.

If we remove or limit access to content or destroy a record based on a warning of alleged infringement. We will then make a good-faith effort to contact affected users with data related to eviction or restricted access. This may include a full copy of your notice (including your name, address, telephone number, and email address). Additionally, it includes guidelines for logging counter alerts.

Notwithstanding any breach of the principles contained in any part of this Policy. If the Administrator fails to comply with each of the DMCA’s requirements for such notices, the Administrator will have the necessary authority to take any action upon receipt of a DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement.

Counter Warning:

Users who receive a copyright infringement alert may file a counter-notification under Section 512(g)(2) and (3) of the United States Copyright Law. If you receive a copyright infringement warning. This means that the content described in the notice has been removed from our government. If it’s not too much trouble, leave some margin to read the warning carefully, it will remember the data of the notifications we receive. File a counter-alert with us. To do so, you must provide written communication that meets the terms of the DMCA.

Please be aware if you are unsure whether certain content is infringing. For example, someone else’s copyright content, or conduct has been mistakenly removed or has been restricted or misidentified. You may then want to consult an attorney before recording a counter-warning.

Notwithstanding any breach of the principles contained in any part of this Policy. Administrators have all necessary options to take no action after receiving a counter-warning. Assume that we receive a counter-notification that complies with 17 USC § 512(g). We can then send it to the person who logged the first warning.

The cycles described in this approach do not limit our ability to pursue other treatments that may be needed to remove thought interferences.

Changes and fixes:

We reserve all rights to change this policy or its terms related to the site. When we do this, we will send you an email to advise you.

Report a copyright violation:

If you want to tell us about offensive content or behavior. Then you can use the Contact Us form

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